Enabling Bash Auto-Completion for OpenShift CLI


Enabling Bash Auto-Completion for OpenShift oc CLI on Linux

Enabling Bash Auto-Completion for OpenShift oc CLI on Linux

Efficient command-line usage is essential for developers and system administrators working with Kubernetes and OpenShift. One way to enhance your productivity is by enabling bash auto-completion for the OpenShift oc command-line tool. This feature allows you to autocomplete commands, options, and resource names, reducing typing effort and minimizing errors. This article guides you through the steps to enable bash auto-completion for the oc CLI, especially when you have de...

Table of Contents

Introduction to OpenShift and the oc CLI

OpenShift is a leading enterprise Kubernetes platform that provides developers and IT organizations with tools for deploying and managing containerized applications. The oc CLI is the primary tool for interacting with OpenShift clusters, allowing users to manage applications, projects, nodes, and more directly from the terminal.

While the oc CLI is powerful on its own, enhancing it with bash auto-completion can significantly streamline your workflow by making command usage more intuitive and less error-prone.

Benefits of Bash Auto-Completion

Enabling bash auto-completion for the oc CLI offers several advantages:

  • Speed: Quickly complete commands and options without typing them in full.
  • Accuracy: Reduce the likelihood of typos and command errors.
  • Discoverability: Easily explore available commands and options by pressing the TAB key.
  • Productivity: Enhance overall efficiency by minimizing the time spent on command entry.


Before enabling bash auto-completion for the oc CLI, ensure that:

  • You have installed the OpenShift oc client from a .tar.gz archive.
  • You have sufficient permissions to install packages and modify system files.
  • You are using a Linux distribution that supports yum (e.g., RHEL, CentOS) or apt (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian).

Step-by-Step Guide to Enable Bash Auto-Completion

1. Install bash-completion

The bash-completion package provides programmable completion for the bash shell. If it's not already installed on your system, you'll need to install it.

For RHEL/CentOS/Fedora:

sudo yum install -y bash-completion

For Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y bash-completion

2. Add the oc Completion Script

Once bash-completion is installed, you need to add the oc CLI's completion script to the bash completion directory.

oc completion bash | sudo tee /etc/bash_completion.d/oc_completion

3. Activate Auto-Completion

To activate the auto-completion feature, you need to reload your shell environment. This can be done by logging out and logging back in or by sourcing your bash configuration file.

Option 1: Log Out and Log Back In
Simply log out of your current terminal session and log back in. This ensures that the new completion scripts are loaded.

Option 2: Source the Bash Configuration File
Run the following command to reload your .bashrc or .bash_profile:

source ~/.bashrc


source ~/.bash_profile

4. Verify Auto-Completion

To confirm that bash auto-completion for the oc CLI is working correctly:

  1. Open a new terminal session or ensure your current session has the updated configuration.
  2. Type oc followed by a space and press the TAB key twice.


$ oc 

Expected Output:

adm              autoscale        create           explain          import-image     new-project      process          rollout          set              
annotate         cancel-build     debug            expose           label            observe          project          rsh              start-build      
api-resources    cluster          delete           extract          login            options          projects         rsync            status           
api-versions     completion       describe         get              logout           patch            proxy            run              tag              
apply            config           edit             idle             logs             plugin           registry         scale            version          
attach           convert          ex               image            new-app          policy           replace          secrets          wait             
auth             cp               exec             import           new-build        port-forward     rollback         serviceaccounts  whoami


If you encounter issues while enabling bash auto-completion for the oc CLI, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Ensure bash-completion is Installed Correctly: Verify the installation by checking if the bash-completion command is available:
  • type _init_completion
  • Check the Completion Script Location: Ensure that the oc_completion script is located in /etc/bash_completion.d/:
  • ls /etc/bash_completion.d/oc_completion
  • Reload the Shell: Sometimes, simply sourcing the bash configuration file again can resolve the issue:
  • source ~/.bashrc
  • Verify File Permissions: Ensure that the oc_completion script has the appropriate permissions:
  • sudo chmod 644 /etc/bash_completion.d/oc_completion


Enabling bash auto-completion for the OpenShift oc CLI can greatly improve your efficiency when managing OpenShift clusters. By following these simple steps, you'll have auto-completion set up and working, allowing you to type commands faster and with greater accuracy. For any issues, refer to the troubleshooting section, and enjoy a smoother command-line experience!